By Small & Simple Things

By Small & Simple Things

Monday, October 7, 2013

To Should or Not To Should?

"I should get up earlier."
"I should go to bed earlier." 
"I should eat healthier." 
"I should exercise." 

"YOU should work harder." 
"YOU should be nicer to me." 
"YOU should chill out."

How many of us run around "Shoulding" on ourselves and other people all day? That is a totally disempowering way of being. What if we spent more time thinking this way:

"What do I WANT to do? I want to be healthier.
"How do I accomplish that goal?" ...

Then, we turn all of those "shoulds" into affirmations: first person, present-tense, as if we are already doing them. Just try it for a week or two. You will be amazed at the results.

"I am an early riser. I jump out of bed at 6:00 am every morning, 
excited to start my day!"
"I love to take care of my body by going to bed by 11:00 every night. 
I am getting plenty of rest."
"I take care of my body by feeding it nutritious, raw, whole foods. Eating healthy feels and tastes so good! My body has so much energy and I easily fight off infections."
"I exercise three times a week. My body craves the energy that I get from exercising and I feel so good when I do it!"

And, while you're at it... why don't you resign as being General Manager of the Universe for a week. Instead of "shoulding" on other people, make sure they know you love them. Regardless of their choices, regardless of what you think they "should" be doing. 

Remember that whole "Do Unto Others as you would have them Do Unto You" thing? Do you like it when people are constantly telling you what to do? I have found that people respond more favorably when I <3 LOVE <3 them for who they are, no matter their choices and, without judgment. So....

"I love everyone for who they are, regardless of their choices."

What affirmations will help you this week?

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