By Small & Simple Things

By Small & Simple Things

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What is your True Purpose?

Have you ever seen the movie "Labyrinth"?

Ok, first of all... I don't know why but David Bowie is totally hot in that movie. Maybe it's the hair?

Secondly... I had a total inspiration about this movie the other day. Here is the synopsis: "15-year-old Sarah accidentally wishes her baby half-brother, Toby, away to the Goblin King Jareth who will keep Toby if Sarah does not complete his Labyrinth in 13 hours."

Sarah is an aspiring actress and loves to act out the story of "The Labyrinth" ... however, she always forgets the most important line in the story. She has some big self-confidence and trust issues to overcome.

Near the end of the movie, the Goblin King is trying to convince Sarah to forget about her little brother... to forget her TRUE PURPOSE, and he promises her what he thinks she wants: beauty, love, riches, a false sense of security...

Does this sound familiar yet? Have you ever listened to those little voices in your head that try to distract you from your True Purpose? (Please tell me I'm not the only one.) Those voices are something we have to combat on a daily basis.

Here's what Sarah finally figures out in the end... she has the Power to tell the Little Voices (Jareth) to stop trying to control her life and her choices. She remembers the most important line of the story:


Please remember, as the little voices in your head are bombarding you throughout the day, telling you:

"You're not enough."
"You're lazy."
"You'll never achieve that goal."
"You're ugly."
"You're fat."
"Give up."

You have the Power to tell those voices to stop.

You have the Power to Choose your Life. Exactly how you want it.

Are you ready to take responsibility for your thoughts 

and take back Your Power?

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