By Small & Simple Things

By Small & Simple Things

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Peace is Possible

My intention with this blog is to provide tools and inspiration for those that are seeking peace... especially Mommies like me!

Many cultures today are obsessed with more... Bigger... BETTER! We are in a frantic race to get the newest, the most popular, the best.

We think we can only be happy WHEN...
I will be happy when the house is clean.
I will be happy when the food is cooked.
I will be happy when the homework is done.
I will be happy when I am rich.
I will be happy when my children are grown.
I will be happy when ...

If we continue to think those thoughts, I'm sorry to say that we will NEVER be happy. We will NEVER find peace.

If you are ready for peace, happiness, and a simpler life, you are in the right place. I look forward to sharing some of the things that I have learned with you. I look forward to learning from you.

Happiness is not a journey, or a process, or an elusive thing that only lives on "Someday Isle"...

Happiness is a choice. Peace is possible.

It's time to choose.

When will you be happy?

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