By Small & Simple Things

By Small & Simple Things

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Joy List

When was the last time you did something that makes you happy?

Do you even know what makes you happy?

I learned this trick from Tiffany Peterson at her Elevation retreat last weekend. Make a Joy List. Write down at least 30 things that make you happy. Try to have 15 things that don't cost money, and the other 15 can cost any amount of money you wish.

Then, here's the trick. Do at least ONE thing per week. That's it. Just one.

You'll be surprised at the peace you feel when you remember to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

Women are so good at taking care of everyone else. Many many times we forget to take care of ourselves, which robs us of our peace.

What did you do to Take Care of YOU this week? 

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